
Here are a few words about me. My early life spanned 3 countries, and 20 years. From the rustic fields of Punjab to the historic halls of Canterbury. Below is a brief summary:

  • I was born & spent the first 7 years in a small farming village in Punjab, India.
  • Most of my immediate family (2 older brothers, 2 older sisters, my parents) and I then immigrated to England, UK.
  • I went through the primary school, secondary school, & college system in the UK. As a sprightly youngster in England, I juggled “O” levels with gymnastics and “A” levels with some karate. My academic saga continued to my 1st year at the University of Kent (in historic Canterbury) to study Computer Science.
  • After that, I immigrated to Canada, & ended up in the 2nd year at the University of Waterloo to continue my studies in Computer Science.

At Waterloo university, I was able to take elective courses, such as in creative writing, fine arts, and even astronomy (snagging a cheeky 98% - take that, Neil deGrasse Tyson!). I graduated with an Honours in Computer Science.

Post-graduation, I embarked on a decades-long tech odyssey, pocketing experiences (and dollars) like Mario on a mushroom spree, starting in Toronto and ending in Vancouver. But, I finally hung up my tech hat to waltz with my muses: reading, writing, acting, and capturing life’s fleeting moments through the lens.

If you are interested, you can find out more about the plot twists in my career.